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Gardener Faces Jail Time For Catching Rainwater

Gardener Faces Jail Time for Catching Rainwater

Harvesting Nature's Gift Can Be a Crime

Tom Bartels' Story Highlights Unfair Water Laws

Tom Bartels, an avid gardener from Durango, Colorado, could face jail time for a seemingly innocuous activity: catching rainwater on his roof and using it to water his garden. Bartels' plight has sparked outrage and highlights the absurdity of outdated water laws that criminalize rainwater harvesting.

Bartels, a member of the Garden Club, a monthly membership for home food gardeners, employs bio-intensive methods to grow food. His obsessive gardening practices have yielded impressive results, but his water conservation efforts have landed him in trouble with local authorities.

In a recent video, Bartels expressed his disbelief and frustration. "I was so willing to go to jail for catching water on my roof and watering my garden," he said. "It's ridiculous that we're criminalizing rainwater harvesting in this day and age."
